Monday, December 17, 2007

She was wearing Flair...

I have recently become addicted to the TV Series, "The Office." I think it is hysterical, blunt, and very NOT culturally proficient. After working in a "working station" (aka, cubicle) for the last few months for the first time in my life, this TV series brings an added dimension to my life. OK, so I do recognize that the picture I have added of Jennifer Aniston is from the movie "Office Space," which I have also come to appreciate in a whole new way. It all relates, I swear...
Last Friday, some members of the staff around here went out for a Christmas luncheon where we revealed Secret Santas, etc. As we were driving to TGI Fridays, another lover of "The Office" turns to me and says, "Doesn't it feel like we could be in an episode of "The Office?" How little we knew in that moment that it would really feel that way! It was AWESOME.
We go in and sit down, and no joke, our server (who was a GREAT server by the way), was wearing a cowboy hat, full on Kentucky/southern accent, and suspenders with... yes, FLAIR. I actually have never seen this in real life and my only regret is that I forgot I had my camera and did not take a picture. What is flair you ask? Well, if you have not seen "Office Space" (please do), they are the buttons one wears on suspenders to add "flair" to the uniform. She had GREAT flair... even better than what Jennifer Aniston has on in this picture... and as she turned around, on the back of the suspenders... (suspenseful moment)... she had stuffed M&M's as flair! Not making this up, my friends. Not making this up.
This was a true highlight of my LIFE, I think, and I needed to share that moment. I was semi-inspired ... but not enough to actually do it myself. Please, do know that if you have pictures of folks with flair, I want to see them.


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about feeling like you were in an episode of "The Office." After working in a corporate office setting, I feel that way when I read Dilbert in the comics now. Not culturally proficient, but often funny Peace!

valerie izumi said...

irene you don't have a superwall on your facebook so i couldn't graffiti your flair - but the buttons have slogans right? so here's your flair slogan:


okay I'm a nerd what do you expect?