Saturday, December 1, 2007

Life-Giving Relationships

Greetings from the Pajaro Dunes in San Jose, California!

I have been here for the past few days with a group of amazing Asian American clergy and seminarians for our annual gathering. This time has always been and continues to be a time of renewal, support, mentorship and GOOD FOOD. The group seems small in this picture, but within it are generations of people who have a love and passion for justice and continue to follow where God has been leading them to go and be in the world and in the church. I don't know if it's just super cheesy, but really, it's always a time of awe and at the same time support for me. Life-giving relationships.

And you know, recently I was asked if I were to die, what would I want to have accomplished or said about me? What would I want folks to notice about me? And the answer to that was that I would want the witness of what I cared about, what I worked for, etc. to be represented in the people in the room. Through the lives of the people I was in relationship with, I would hope that hospitality, justice, peace, love, advocacy, etc. etc. would all be present. Life-giving relationships that continue to give life even after one has gone. Sounds kind of morbid, but I don't mean it to be.

Anyway, super exhausted in the best way and just chillin' in a coffee shop with my cousin, Rich in Palo Alto. Headed back tomorrow and feeling a sense of renewal. WOOHOOO!

1 comment:

LadyBurg said...

Not morbid at all - beautiful and what I would hope for my own life. Thanks for giving that voice.