Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Back from the Philippines...

Well, I am back!
As I will continue to process and reflect and write about my time there, I thought I'd begin with a prayer I wrote toward the end of my time there. I think in many ways this prayer continues to be the prayer in my heart, even as I am busy back at work again in the U.S. Will write again soon!
Holy Creator,

As I feel the breeze flow on my face and through my hair, I feel your Spirit fall and flowing through me. As the sound of waves crash and hiss on the beach, I hear you speaking...

as I see the height of the mountains and the vastness of the ocean, I feel your arms extending out and embracing me in... I cannot say it enough, God. Thank you.

And what a week it has been, God, to culminate to this place. In situations I have encountered this week where I thought it may be impossible to see you, I found you there. I found you in the trash and landfills where a massive community lived and scavenged for food and shelter out of our waste...
I found you in the deep brown eyes of a beautiful girl smiling at me...

I found you in the soil and crops and in the sun beaten hands of a farmer...I found you in the grief and love of a father for his lost and murdered son in a protest for justice... I found you in the juicy taste of a yellow mango... and I found you at work within your people here in the Philippines... through my sisters and brothers in Christ who have chosen sides, and chosen to work for justice and for those who are oppressed.

Thank you for their courage, their wisdom, their strength, and their prophetic witness, God.

I have been inspired and changed. I have been renewed in Spirit and understand the work of justice as more important now than ever. Help me not forget, God. Help me to keep alert and remind me of your people in the Philippines when I begin to fall asleep.

God, sometimes "Thank you" seems so trite compared to what it is I feel in my full heart, but I say it and will say it again and again... Thank you.

Thank you that you are God, and I am not.

I love you.

I pray this in the name of the one who embodied your peace.


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