Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dedicated to Nahyun!

So, if you haven't noticed, I love kiddos. I mean, I LOVE kiddos... I'm actually kind of sad that I'm not already a mommy and totally going through that phase of "I really want kids." Good thing I have the job I have and get to interact with them regularly, although I'm not sure that helps! :)

I'm sure I've mentioned her in a previous blog post, but I spend a little bit almost everyday with Nahyun (Natalie), Mannam and Stephen's baby girl. She's 10 months old now and she's crawling and getting bigger and more interactive by the minute! It's really fun and a privilege to be allowed to be part of a child's life so intimately, so for that, I'm incredibly thankful for Mannam and Stephen. I feel like she really knows who I am.
It's hilarious because we're trying really hard to get her to say "imo" which means "auntie" in Korean but she keeps looking at me and calling me "oppah" which means "big brother"... it's hilarious. She'll get it one of these days and my heart will leap with joy!!

Anyway, thought I'd post some pics!
If you click on this link, you can see a little video of her and me...she's usually a lot more talkative!

This is when I first met her in spring/early summer of 2008:
And more recently (like a month or so ago):
And just the other day:


Anonymous said...


Thanks for sharing!


Mama V said...

You're not lying... She's SO cute!

And she's the same age as Jesse, so now you have a reference point for my daily baby cuteness! ;)